16 unusual places to pray

Sixteen unusual places to pray:

1. At altars of animal sacrifices (Gen 12:7-8; Gen 13:4)

2. Walking in the open field (Gen 18:23-33)

3. At a well (Gen 24:12-14)

4. At a wrestling (Gen 32:24-29)

5. On a talking donkey (Num 22:34)

6. In chains bound to a mill (Jdg 16:28-31)

7. On an ash pile (Job 2:8, Job 2:13; Job 3:1-26)

8. In the belly of a fish (Jon 2:1)

9. In Sheol/Hades (Jon 2:2; Luk 16:19-31)

10. Standing in a river (Luk 3:21-22)

11. In a wilderness (Luk 5:15-16)

12. At a grave (Joh 11:41-42)

13. On a cross (Luk 23:34-46)

14. In a dungeon (Act 27:23-35)

15. In a shipwreck (Act 27:23-35)

16. Under an altar (Rev 6:9-11)

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